Zoom Front Desk
The Zoom Front Desk is available to help answer questions and direct you to resources. If assistance is needed, the Advisement team can be reached via Zoom Front Desk.
Join by entering Zoom Meeting Room ID# 989 7485 1705, or by visiting: bit.ly/VCFrontDesk.
Zoom Front Desk Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday until 7 p.m. during express registration.
Advisement: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Aviation Training Institute Advisers
- Mariaura Almodovar (ATI): mariaura.almodovar@vaughn.edu
- Ruhullah Mehirdel (ATI): ruhullah.mehirdel@vaughn.edu
Academic Success Coaches
- Simon Chan (Flight) simon.chan@vaughn.edu
- Jonathan Bigler-Lisch (Flight) jonathan.bigler-lisch@vaughn.edu
- Alexander Tasiopoulos (Management and Engineering) alexander.tasiopoulos@vaughn.edu
- Cecilia Haralampopoulos (Computer Engineering) cecilia.haralampopoulos@vaughn.edu
- Tasnim Mollah (Computer Science) tasnim.mollah@vaughn.edu
Students can schedule a time to meet with an adviser or academic success coach here
Tutoring Services
For students interested in tutoring services, please contact Kyle Mercadante at kyle.mercadante@vaughn.edu
Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar and Student Accounts
The offices of admissions, financial aid, registrar and student accounts will be open by appointment only for in-person appointments.
New students can make appointments for admissions here.
Continuing students can make appointments for student accounts or the registrar office by checking their adviser’s schedule and logging into Starfish to make an appointment. They can also join their Zoom Rooms.