Veterans Club Hosts Flag Ceremony
Students, staff and faculty gathered today to present a new flag to the Vaughn College community and to President Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick, a native New Yorker and Vietnam veteran. The ceremony celebrated all in the community who have served, or are currently serving in the military.
After the playing of the national anthem, the new flag was presented by Gregori Bianchini ’16, a US Navy veteran who currently serves in the Navy Reserve to Fitzpatrick, who then led the Pledge of Allegiance and spoke to the gathering.
“There is an understanding and a connection among veterans from generation to generation,” said Fitzpatrick. “We all feel a bond, and as evidenced today, we have many students at Vaughn who are a part of that family.”
After speaking, Fitzpatrick turned the microphone over to Dr. Sharon DeVivo, the newly appointed president of Vaughn College, who thanked everyone for coming to the ceremony and for recognizing the sacrifices made by those who serve in the military.
Above, Dr. Fitzpatrick accepts flag from Bianchini. At right, Vaughn student veteran ceremony volunteers join Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. DeVivo after the ceremony.