Vaughn Students Take First and Third Place at LACCEI 2014
Vaughn student paper “Aid Device for Deaf Drivers (A.D.s)” by Junghee Lee ’14 won the first place award and gold medal during the poster session at the 12th Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI) Conference competition. The third place award and bronze medal was awarded to Mustafa Bhatti ’13 for his poster, “Effect of Lamped Mass on the Fundamental Frequency of a Riveted Plate.” The conference ran from July 21-24 in Guayaquel, Ecuador.
Vaughn College students and faculty attended LACCEI 2014 where they presented research on a variety of topics. Forty international universities and colleges participated in the poster session competition on Wednesday, July 23. Judges for the competition selected a total of eight finalists out of 45 posters, with three of those chosen belonging to Vaughn students. In addition to the winning papers noted previously, “A Hybrid Plant Care System” by Jefferson Maldonado ’16 and Alex Uquillas ’17 was also a finalist.
Additional student research presented during the poster session included: “PCM-3500 Automated Powder Coating Machine,” by Robert Andersen ’14, Michael Nigro ’14, Kevin Alarcon ’14. The faculty abstract presentation on Thursday, July 24 included Vaughn faculty paper “Effects of Impact Energy on Hybrid Woven Composites.” The paper was authored by Dr. Hossein Rahemi, engineering department chair, Dr. Yougashwar Budhoo, professor, Dr. Amir Elzawawy, assistant professor and Khalid Mouaouya, associate professor.
Left, Junghee Lee ’14 accepts her award for first place in the student poster session. Vaughn faculty and students gather at awards dinner.