Vaughn Hosts Town Hall to Address What to Expect for Fall Semester
Co-hosted by the departments of academic and student affairs, the College hosted a Town Hall session for current and incoming students on Wednesday, August 12. The session aimed to provide important information regarding the status of the upcoming fall semester and what to expect upon arrival.
More than 145 participants joined the session and were given the opportunity to have any questions they may have answered and also express their concerns regarding adjusting to the new normal, the implications of travel and how the College will be operating.
The town hall discussion highlighted the new model of “hybrid learning” being implemented this fall, where a student will come to campus one day per week for a particular class if they choose to or, if they prefer, the all-online Zoom option. For ATI, all lectures will be kept online, with labs that cannot be completed online held on campus.
Students and their families were also informed that the on-campus population has been reduced by 50 percent in order to make social distancing on campus easier. All of the resources and professionals are still available to students remotely. Those working on campus will be provided with sanitizing wipes and masks to help keep high-contact zones on campus clean.
The session also provided participants with access to breakout rooms in order to be able to virtually meet with representatives of various departments.
“It’s great to see the campus reopen, albeit slowly, and have our students on campus completing the experiential labs that they were unable to do during the Spring semester, with face masks and physically distanced, of course!” expressed Elaine T. White, assistant vice president for student affairs and dean of students.
The health and safety of all members of the Vaughn College community is our top priority. Anyone not feeling well or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home, contact a medical professional and inform human resources, student affairs, security or their instructors.
Awaiting students’ return to campus, the College has also implemented some new steps and options available at their disposal to help continue their education safely and effectively. The information can also be found at Vaughn.edu/coronavirus.