Vaughn Faculty Present Research at International Symposium
Dr. Maxine Lubner, management chair and Debra Henneberry assistant professor in the aviation department presented research findings on simulator-based pilot training at the First South African Symposium on Human Factors in Aviation held in Johannesburg from January 28 – 30.
Two papers written by the professors and their Vaughn colleagues were presented during the conference. The first paper, “Implications for Effectiveness of Pilot Training from a Simulator-Based Program,” was written by Henneberry, Lubner, Emerson Allen, director of flight training, Dr. Andrew Dattel, Vaughn adjunct professor, and Vice President Dr. Sharon DeVivo. It reviewed how simulator training affected students’ ability to earn certificates and ratings with flight hours far below the national average.
The second paper presented, entitled “Simulator-Based Pilot Training Effectiveness: A Theoretical Discussion of Implications for Safety in New York and Tanzania,” was written by Lubner, Allen, Michael Bartron, Vaughn adjunct professor, and Al Logie, engineer at the US Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. The research focused on some of the theoretical implications for training improvements, and why the training alone would be insufficient to improve overall safety records of that country or region.