More than 190 associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree recipients filed into Vaughn College’s hangar at the College’s commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 21, to the cheers and excitement of their classmates, families, friends and faculty members.

Federal Aviation Administrator the Honorable Michael P. Huerta delivered the commencement address, after receiving an honorary degree from Vaughn President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo and Board of Trustees Chair Thomas J. McKee.

“What I remember most clearly from my graduation day was the look on my parents’ faces,” said Huerta. “They were so proud to call me a college graduate. And they were thrilled about what this accomplishment meant for future generations of our family. Looking around this room, I see that same look on so many faces. I know getting here required hard work and sacrifice from both our graduates and their families. Congratulations to you all.”

Dr. DeVivo congratulated each student as they took the stage to receive their hoods and diplomas.

“We, as are your families, are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to your successes,” DeVivo said. “I encourage you to take the time today to appreciate this incredible milestone, and to celebrate your triumph!”

After the ceremony, graduates, family and friends attended department receptions, allowing graduates a chance to introduce their families to department chairs and faculty members, and giving them an opportunity to wish their fellow graduates well as they part ways and enter the next chapter in their lives.

To see a list of all class of 2016 graduates and candidates, click here.

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Left: Vaughn College Commencement Speaker the Honorable Michael P. Huerta; Right: Graduates toss their caps in the air to celebrate their graduation from Vaughn College.