Vaughn College News

March 10, 2020

Engineering Seminar Series: Students Share Internship Experiences

On Tuesday, March 3, Ariel Ferrera ’21 and Jacqueline Oricchio ’21 shared their summer internship projects with the Vaughn community as part of the engineering department’s seminar series. The seminar allowed both students to touch upon their assigned tasks and the career-building experiences they acquired during their internships. Ferrera shared insight into his summer internship […]

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March 4, 2020

VEX U and VRC Robotics Tournaments Hosted at Vaughn College

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March 3, 2020

Management Speaker Series: Michel Ajjan

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March 3, 2020

New Students Welcome for the Fall Semester

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February 27, 2020

Vaughn Hosts VEX IQ Launching the Series of Robotics Competitions

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