New Students Welcomed to Campus at Vaughn’s Orientation Sessions
More than 190 incoming first-year students attended Vaughn College’s new student orientation sessions this month, kick starting their time at Vaughn by meeting new friends, previewing classes, and acquainting themselves with Vaughn’s newly-renovated campus.
The overnight sessions, held on August 12 and 13 and August 19 and 20, began with a welcome from Vaughn College President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo and Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Jerima DeWese, followed by a speech from motivational speaker Joshua Fredenberg, who encouraged the students to embrace their college experience as “their time to shine.”
The orientation sessions included a scavenger hunt and tours of campus, which help to familiarize new students with the College, and informational sessions about student life, finances and academic majors and offerings. In the evening, students enjoyed a magic show in the hangar and bowling at Astoria Bowl.
The second day of orientation included discussions on the summer reading selection, followed by a pinning ceremony where students met the head of their respective academic departments. The day concluded with raffles and giveaways, and the issuing of official student ID cards.
“The purpose of new student orientation is to introduce the students to the College, but it’s also important to show them that college is an enjoyable experience,” said DeWese. “That’s why we try to give them a sample of what life is like on campus. We love this event, and the students seem to genuinely enjoy the sessions.”
The office of student affairs will be hosting an orientation session for transfer and international students on Friday, September 12 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, click here.
Orientation 2014: Left- Vaughn President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo welcomes new students to Vaughn College. Right- Dean of Students Jack Gormley announces raffle prizes with the help of Vaughn’s student orientation leaders.