New Fitness Center Opens Today
Vaughn College celebrated the opening of its new state-of-the-art fitness center today. In addition to weights, the center has added new aerobic and cardio machines to enable Vaughn students to get fit and stay healthy, and allow student athletes to train on a year-round basis.
Vaughn President Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick and Senior Vice President Dr. Sharon DeVivo were on hand to cut the ceremonial ribbon and accept custom Nike jackets, monogrammed with the Warrior logo, as a token of appreciation from the athletics department.
“We are thrilled to announce the opening of the new fitness center today,” said Dr. Fitzpatrick. “The new facility looks great and exemplifies our ongoing commitment to the students here at Vaughn.”
Students can sign up for strength and conditioning classes that take place approximately twice a week with Ricky McCollum. Those interested can register by emailing ricky.mccollum@vaughn.edu.
Vaughn athletes join senior staff at the Fitness Center opening. From left to right, top row: Lacyrose Dickinson, Jared Ndiba. Bottom row left to right: Angela Gomez, Jermia DeWese, Dr. DeVivo, Ricky McCollum, Dr. Fitzpatrick and Estefania Collazos.