The perfect day was on tap as the sun shone and spring temperatures arrived for Vaughn College’s second spring open house of 2016. More than 200 prospective students and their families were in attendance to hear about Vaughn’s program offerings in the fields of engineering, technology, management and aviation.

Academic sessions informed attendees about the options of study at the College and hands-on interactive experiences showcased what student life is like on a daily basis.

Vaughn College President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo spoke about the substantial investments in the facilities and new laboratories at Vaughn, as well as the numerous clubs and services available to students. “Our students recently participated in a national aerospace maintenance skills competition and our robotics team is once again headed to the Vex U World Championships next week in Louisville, KY.”

Throughout the day, tours of the main campus were conducted as well as a tour of the Astoria campus where many maintenance classes are held.

Ernie Shepelsky, vice president of enrollment services, invited attendees and their families back to experience more of Vaughn on May 7 for Accepted Students Day where food, fun activities and entertainment would be the flavor of the day. Students from Vaughn’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Club will be demonstrating their skills by building and flying drones in the hangar to celebrate International Drone Day.


Above: Attendees gather in Vaughn College’s hangar for the second open house event of the spring semester.


Above: Guests of the open house take rides in Vaughn’s flight simulators during the event’s hands-on experiences.