“You’re expectation is your destination.”

With those words, speaker Jonathan Sprinkles formally welcomed more than 100 new Vaughn students to the College on Tuesday (Aug. 9), the first day of the second session of summer orientation for new students.

Sprinkles, an author, motivational speaker and friend of Vice President of Student Affairs John F. Agnelli III, delighted the crowd with a blend of wisdom, personal anecdotes and new student advice, all designed to ease their transition to Vaughn.

A native of Texas who relocated seven times before age 13, Sprinkles nevertheless graduated from the University of Texas. He struggled at UT before discovering what he called the secret to achievement.

“Winners think differently,” Sprinkles said. “A winner gets an 85 on a test and wonders what happened …how could I only get an 85. I would get an 85 and have a religious experience.”

Always gifted with the ability to speak, Sprinkles realized he had better apply himself at college because “with a name like Sprinkles, I wasn’t going to be a boxer, or a pro athlete.” He elevated himself from a D-plus student who took calculus four times to a near-honors level scholar who secured an $80,000-per-year job at Dell Computers upon graduation.

Unfulfilled, he began giving speeches to civic groups, where his mix of down-home wisdom and business knowledge made him a local favorite and brought him a new career. His message to Vaughn students Tuesday was the same one he delivers to business groups across the country.

“Power is the ability to determine your results in your life,” Sprinkles said. “You’ve earned the right to be here at Vaughn College; now you have to earn the right to stay.”

“He was amazing,” Heraldo Labastida, an aviation maintenance management student from the Bronx, said. “He really inspired you to want to succeed at Vaughn.”

Sprinkles, a former motivational Speaker of the Year, headlined Tuesday’s event. But students also received an introduction to Vaughn’s computer system, financial aid, course registration and more. Students even gathered for getting-to-know-you group activities.

“We all got to know each other,” said Jisela Rodriguez, an airport management student from Long Beach, N.Y. “Everyone opened up very quickly.”

More campus business followed after lunch before students departed for the Broadway shows “Sister Act” and “Spider-Man.” Orientation continues today with a final two-day session Aug. 24-25.

“I like that the class sizes are small,” Richard Green, an aircraft operations student from Ardsley, N.Y., said. “Everyone gets a chance to learn; it’s a real engaging learning environment.”


Above, motivational speaker Jonathan Sprinkles welcomes new students to Vaughn on Tuesday. Below, Kamla Holland, assistant to the vice president of student affairs, leads students in a series of introduction games.
