Vaughn College’s journey into the future began Tuesday (Nov. 29) with a day of group thinking and strategic analysis at the LaGuardia Marriott hotel. Some 65 representatives from a cross-section of College communities gathered for a daylong brainstorming session as part of the College’s 2011-2012 strategic planning initiative.

“This is where we chart a path for Vaughn’s future,” President Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick said. “It’s a very exciting time.”

Called the “stakeholder conference,” Tuesday’s session included an evaluation of issues facing the College, a discussion of the College’s environment and the presentation of a strategic planning calendar. The College has hired the consulting firm Stevens Strategy of Grantham, N.H. to facilitate the plan.

Stevens representatives interviewed members of the College community over the summer and identified more than 400 issues. On Tuesday, group members were asked to consolidate those issues into eight themes. Work committees will address those key issues, reporting back to the College with recommendation plans as early as May 2012. Full implementation is expected by May 2013.

See the strategic planning calendar and list of issues at the Vaughn portal here.


VAUGHN COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION: A cross-section of the College community came together to begin plotting a course for its future. Above, board member Katherine Posner introduces topics to a subgroup. Below, Professor Khalid Mouaouya, left, and HEOP Assistant Director Frank Wang pore over issues.
