Despite the anticipation of rainy weather, the thrill of what Vaughn College has to offer was enough to bring prospective students and their families out for the second of the College’s spring open houses on Saturday (April 21). 378 prospective students attended both events, a 55 percent increase from the spring of 2011. Attendees were introduced to the “Vaughn College Experience” and were treated to breakfast, tours, prizes and program information sessions.

“I’m interested in either flying planes or becoming an air traffic controller, and that’s why I decided to check out Vaughn,” said high school junior Nicole Bonanni from Hartsdale, N.Y. “This is the only school that she’s shown an interest in, so that says a lot about this school,” said Stefani Bonanni, Nicole’s mother.

The open house was kicked off with breakfast and a welcome from Vaughn College Senior Vice President Dr. Sharon DeVivo. Various academic information sessions followed.

Admissions and financial aid representatives were on hand to answer questions and assist students and their families in the application process.

Attendees participated in raffles and got an inside look at Vaughn’s clubs and resources available to students. The final part of the day was reserved for a series of seven “Ultimate Open House Experiences” in which potential students were shown the practical side of what attending Vaughn would be like.


THE SECOND OF VAUGHN COLLEGE’S SPRING OPEN HOUSES From top, Vaughn College Senior Vice President Dr. Sharon DeVivo welcomes an enthusiastic crowd to the open house; Dr. Maxine Lubner, chair of the aviation and management departments speaks to a crowd of potential students about studying aircraft operations.

