JFK Chamber of Commerce Deepens Commitment to Endowed Scholarship
The John F. Kennedy International Airport Chamber of Commerce added funds to their endowed scholarship with Vaughn College on Wednesday, May 28 at a reception that featured guest speaker Congressman Peter King. The endowment will become part of an existing fund that provides scholarships to Vaughn students.
After an introduction from Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Kelliher, Congressman Peter King of New York addressed the guests in attendance, reiterating the importance of safety and security, especially at John F. Kennedy Internation Air Terminal (JFKIAT), which he referred to as “the world’s port of call.”
Following King’s speech and question-and-answer session, Kelliher welcomed Vaughn President Dr. John C. Fitzpatrick and Senior Vice President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo to the morning’s events and presented DeVivo with a check, adding $3,000 to the Chamber’s existing endowment.
The John F. Kennedy International Airport Chamber of Commerce endowment was established in 2003, and has since grown to over $100,000. The fund enables Vaughn College to grant a scholarship to one student per year who meets the academic and community service criteria set by the Chamber, and to grant aid to multiple students per year by matching the funds set by the endowment.
Left: Congressman Peter King addresses the attendees at the JFK Chamber of Commerce Breakfast. Right: Senior Vice President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo thanks the JFK Chamber of Commerce for their continued support of Vaughn students.