Vaughn Welcomes the Hon. Chris Hart Back to Campus
On Friday, November 6, the Vaughn College Management Department welcomed Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board the honorable Chris Hart. Hart returned to the College to take part in the management department’s fall speaker series by presenting his research on runway safety and alternative recommendations to ensure safe flight takeoff.
The presentation gave insight into numerous test flights, including the Mojave Test Launch, where simple human error may have resulted in unforeseen outcomes. Hart offered safety alternatives for pilot training, which can be used prior to actual flights; such as improving simulation modules to include examples of human error.
At the conclusion of his presentation, Hart stated: “Efforts by the aviation industry rely heavily upon collaboration and improving aviation safety. However as aviation becomes safer, the challenges of continuing to improve safety will continue to increase.”
The management department’s next installment in the speaker series will feature presentations by John Allen, vice president and chief safety officer at JetBlue, and Christopher Sangiovanni, director of ground safety travel at JetBlue on Friday, December 4.
The Hon. Chris Hart speaks to students, faculty and staff during the fall speaker series event.